We asked Music Tech if they're up for an interview with Universal Audio endorser MISSIO, and here it is! With some very nice words about our client UA: "Years of being a pack-rat with sounds has resulted in a massive collection. We also use a fair amount of Universal Audio tech; their stuff adds so much pro sheen to our tracks. I group them into two categories. If I want to hear the analogue LA 2A or 1176 – then I will choose from that pile, but UA has some fantastic colourful stuff too.” David elaborates further, “I love their software RE 201 Space Echo, and their AKG BX 20 spring verb adds real vibe. We use the Ampex ATR-102 tape machine’s flutter and wow, that’s a real part of a sound. It can really mess with the pitch. I use it as like a sort of ridiculous effect that sounds like something has died and decayed for fifty years and is somehow still making noise!”
Read the full interview here: https://www.musictech.net/features/interviews/missio-billion-streams-can-you-feel-the-sun/