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GameSoundCon Featured in Mix

From Mix Magazine August 2016 issue:

GameSoundCon, an annual conference that fo- cuses on videogame music and sound design, takes place this year on September 27-28 in the Milliennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Newly added offerings include a full day ded- icated to Audio for Virtual Reality and another full day on academic and research topics. “Virtual Reality is not only taking the game industry by storm, but most other forms of media and entertainment as well,” says Game- SouncCon Executive Director Brian Schmidt. “Along with Augmented Reality, VR presents a whole new set of challenges and opportuni- ties for composers and sound designers. Due to the inherently interactive nature of VR and AR, those who are familiar with interactive au- dio tools—such as game composers and sound designers—will de nitely have a leg-up over those who have only worked in traditional media.”

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